
General Info about Bulgaria

Location: Southeastern Europe
Territory: 110,910 square km
Boundaries: East - Black Sea (about 380 km. coastline); West - Serbia, Macedonia; North - Romania; South - Greece and Turkey
Population: 7 801 273
Capital: Sofia
Major cities: Varna, Plovdiv, Ruse, Burgas, Stara Zagora, Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven, Blagoevgrad
Official language: Bulgarian
Religion: Orthodox
Political system: Parliamentary Republic
National currency: Lev (BGN) 1.95 to the Euro
Climate: temperate - cold winters and hot summers inland, mild weather on the coast
Official holidays: March 3rd - National Holiday; May 1st - Labour Day; May 6th - Saint George's Day; May 24th - Cyrillic alphabet Day; September 22d - Independence Day; December 24th ,25th - Christmas
Measures and scales: the metric system
Electricity: 220V, 50 Hz
Time zone: GMT +2

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